May the soul of Ikemba Chukwuemeka Odimuegwu Ojukwu and the souls of all departed rest in peace Amen.My dear Igbo people invited ladies and gentle menThe out going cabinet whole heartedly congratulate the new officers who we democratically elected and entrusted with the affairs of the community.To me personally it is like a dream come true seeing young, energetic and enthusiastic Igbos at the helms of our affairs here in the Lazio region: this shows that our consistent call for our youths to come out has finally been heeded and the support the new administration has so far received is a great sign of progress. I appeal to the whole Igbo community to give this administration all the support and sincere advise that are needed to achieve all our common goals as a nation.
The Igbo community Rome is one of the oldest immigrant communities in the Lazio region due to the great influx of Igbo clergy and lay men who come to study in Rome form the early '70s , however the officialization of the association as an entity was on the 22 October 1999 by some Igbo patriots who officially registered it with the Italian authorities was in the year 2000 having Dr Augustine Aboh as the first President. I want to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate those Igbo patriots who founded the association and I suppose in due time they will be recognized adequately by the administration.The last administration was sworn in August 2001 and after the their term that elapsed in 2005 ,it took the community another five years to have an election. Let us search our consciences and answer some questions: how close did we come to the people we elected , what did we suggest to them , have we ever criticized or corrected any of their programs at the correct platforms ? "Enwhi onye na-ahupu ubi ya maka na –oruru afifia." At this point I call on all Igbo people to take also today an oath declaring to take up their civic responsibilities by staying close to the people they elected to represent them, correcting , criticizing and advising them in all affairs concerning the community.I thank all the Igbo men and women who helped carry the community -on in these years maintaining peace and the integrity of the community and association. A special thanks goes also to the Elders and the Presidents of all the Igbo states associations.We Igbos in the Lazio region have every cause to be proud and grateful to God. We have achieved individually and collectively a lot in these years of our sojourn here .POLITICS: In the Italian political arena The whole immigrants in the Rome province is being represented by a Nigerian ; Dr Victor Emeka Okeadu (President of the Immigration council ) a former Vice president of this association. Mrs. Uzoma was a councilor in the 8th Municipal of the commune di Rome, Kinsley Okpara is a counselor in the 8th municipal. One of the 12 Italian representatives of the African diaspora in the African Uniou (former OAU) Europe consultative council is a member of this community i.e my humble self. There is an Igbo man working or representing in almost all the Italian trade unions, ONG, associations, in the Lazio region. Almost all the International Organizations and United Nation agencies in Rome have Igbo sons and daughters heading units or working in them.EDUCATION : Educationally we have the greatest numbers of qualified professionals within the immigrant communities. According to Italian statistics Nigerian children in the Lazio region are the best academically in the Rome province (majority of them are Igbos) Our children have gone to great heights, in these recent years Igbos have produced many professionals from many Italian universities and as I said earlier our children have been recognized as the best in Lazio. I GIVE SPECIALLY GREETINGS TO OUR WOMEN WHO WE ALL RECOGNIZE AS THE PILLARS OF THE IGBO FAMILY.COMMERCE: Commerce is the second force after education in Igbo land. Our brothers and sisters have been at the top helms in the foreign community. We are the first in the African community. The first hotel in Rome to be fully owned by an African is by a member of this community.SOCIALLY. Many members of this community have been recognized by their individual communities and organizations both abroad and in Nigeria. In the Nigerian or African ( statistics shows) we have the greatest number of mixed marriages as against common beliefs or metropolitan talks of the Igbo man. One of the greatest African musical group in Italy ( Umu-Africa group) was founded by one of the great sons of this communityMedia: The African and Nigerian news media here in Italy is in strong control of members of this community people. History and daily affairs have shown us how the communities like the Jews use this as a great instrument for social, political and cultural progress and advancement. Many innovations in Italy like the MISS AFRICA ROME is from members of this community. Many people of this community in the recent have written books and made numerous publications.WHY MUSTN'T WE BE GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR ALL THESE ACHIEVEMENTS'?I once more thank all members of the community and the Nigerian community in general for all their support and hope that this young men and women will continue to enjoy our support.Finally call for peace and burying of all rancor in the community.We thank our visitors for attending.Udo diri madu nine.Chukwubike Okechukwu Charles(Ex-President Igbo community Rome/Lazio)
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